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 Site News: Updates on SkateZilla HD Studios.
UpdateJust a quick update on some things:

The studio system underwent a software platform refresh a few months back to resolve some software/hardware conflicts, since that time the system has had a good deal of stability issues, which were caused by failing harddisks. Work on personal hobby projects has been halted to make time for prior priority contracts that need to be fullfilled. Personal hobby Projects include all 3d Models being done for Thirdwire's games, All Stargate Models that have not yet been completed, as well as photographical work for the above.

As soon as I am able to resume work on personal hobby projects I will finish the Carrier package for the Thirdwire Series First, as well as finishing up a few other projects. Then I'll start work on a few new projects that I've had in the planning stages prior to these technical difficulties. The previous announcement from me also stated that I will be phasing a majority of my allocated time to Video/Photographical projects and Testing equipment for Microsoft Xbox and Xbox Live. While this is true, I will still be looking hard to provide updates to previous projects as needed.

Also, to make sure your up to date with Studio news, Since I do not usually update this site too much anymore, I have an account on facebook, so There is a SkateZilla HD Studios Facebook page that is more actively updated with news, screen shots, videos etc. Although recently not updated as a result of Technical Difficulties.

Good Luck All, Thank You for your Continued support of my Projects that are availible, I hope to provide more in the future.

Skate Zilla (William Belmont), previously known as Digital Overload.

Note: Skate Zilla HD Studios Facebook Page
Posted by SkateZilla on Friday, August 27 @ 21:51:12 UTC (1574 reads)
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 Site News: About My Lack Of Communication
UpdateGood evening ladies and gentlemen,

By now alot of people are scratching their heads wondering where I've been, or alot of people are enjoying and celebrating the fact that I've been gone this long (I know its too quiet with out me isn't it?)

Well, to Give you a quick update, I've been working on the CVN Model for the Thirdwire series, making changes and testing and taking notes, I have yet to do any testing for the SF2 Code under Vista, but its on my list.

The Reason I'm giving an update today is because I do not know when I'll have the time or ability to do so in the future. My Studio Equipment including all of my PC and MIDI equipment was moved to my new apartment the last week of April, However during the time of switching employment from one Company to another my old employeer decided to take their time processing my resignation and severence pay, so at the current time I'm without electricity at my APT, so I cannot continue work or even upload what I have until electricity is re-established.
Posted by SkateZilla on Wednesday, July 22 @ 18:56:52 UTC (1353 reads)
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 Site News: Video Card Returns..... Back to working on 3d Projects!
UpdateMy Video Card Finally returned (actually it was a completly different one, but hey, its the same model and its running awesome), shut down my PC installe dhte sucker, did a little cleaning while I was inside the case.

Im now trying to catch up on the month and a half of 3d Work that I missed while waiting for the card to be fixed. I have alot of notes and stuff from looking over reference pictures on the CVN, so I have a few changes to make and alot of random things I want to tweak.

Since Theres Room for more pictures, I'll prolly get the camera and go take some random pictures this next few weeks. My internet lately has been randomly losing speed (going from 10,000 mbit down/2,000up to 1,200 down, 800 up), which is kinda irratating, ..... I might need to do a rounds of the external service entrance, I think something may have happened to it during hte storm Monday.
Posted by SkateZilla on Wednesday, January 10 @ 20:34:48 UTC (2821 reads)
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 Site News: Video Card Issues Suspend My Work
UpdateWell .. what can I say... the fan on my Ati All In Wonder 9600XT died... sounds absolutely horrid..... loud grinding sound... anyway... The card is removed from my system and getting packaged up to send to Ati Support to replace the fan, until then my video editing, 3d Modeling, games, and stuff are all on hold, the VGA Adapter built onto this systems motherboard is the weakest piece or poo you've ever seen.. trust me...

Update: December 06, 2006

ATi acknowledged my problem and Im preparing the card for shipping,

however, the situation has become more complicated, after running an errand, i came home to a bubble "WRITE DELAY FAILED ON DEVICE" so, i immediately checked the event viewer to find that the ENTIRE IDE01 (Secondary) Channel had switched off... Both the Hard disk and the DVDRom Linked to it where no longer listed in the Windows Disk Manager, and i had about 10-15 disk/atapi warnings/errors, I Don't know if this is just a random error or not, but its very nerve racking. The Hard disk in question only contained Windows Vista Beta so, and is most likely in tact.

Apon Rebooting, the system returned to a "lagged" state... the startup and shutdown wavs stuttered when playing and the mouse cursor would pause every second or so.... no errors in the event viewer though, Im starting to think something on the Main board is messing up, So... As Soon as I Can, All My Max Projects will be backed up to DVD-RW as a pre-precaution (in case all the Hard disks get messed up),

So Things I can think of:

I Added a Case Fan and the Harddisk Vista was installed on a month ago. Both the Vista Drive and the DVDRom were Using the same IDE Channel and Using the Power Line that was also powering the Case Fan I had added...

Power Supply is Weakening.... Im gonna go look at voltages ASAP.

Something with the On board Controller is quirky or there is a loose IDE (possible),

But I cant think of anything that would explain why the system would boot to a stuttering/lag state.. to add. the Current Drives in it (minus the Vista Disk scan fine, ram as well), its possible it could be windows re-assigning IRQs or whatnot from detecting a hardware change, but it did this before i removed the ATICard as well.

Update: December 07, 2006

It May Very well have been the ATA Cable, Seeing the DVD-Rom has Power but it not showing Up On the Machine at all, yet it has power, it is possible the cable was worked loose when i was removing the card, either way the Vista Drive is out of the system for now, since its pretty much unused.

Update: December 14, 2006
The Card has been shipped to ATi's Support, I Hope to Have it back Mid-January (hey, its Xmas Season, im not gonna say i'll have it back in 2 weeks with all the shipping going on), in the mean time Im taking notes on the changes I want to make to my CVN-75 Model and a few other things, looking at screen shots of other models for FS2004/FSX for references as well as some pictures I received via email.
Posted by SkateZilla on Friday, December 15 @ 21:28:12 UTC (5077 reads)
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 Site News: Hey All, Sorry For Long time in Between Site and Blog Updates
UpdateLike the Title Says, sorry for the long time between this update and the last one, I've been reallly busy with some 3d Stargate models and some other Projects,

The 2006 NAS Oceana Airshow was held over the weekend, they had a few problems, but I went to take pictures, I took over 600 Snapshots, however, since my new Lens did not arrive in time for the Venture I was restricted to using the default 4x Optical Zoom Lens, which seemed to not like the daylight at all, so over half the shots were cut for being Dark, Blurred, Too Far Away, or a mixture of all of the problems, Most shots were Originally 6 MP and were either scaled down or Cropped from the orignal image.

So Enjoy the 188 Pictures Now Posted in the PhotoGallery, the Pictures consist of the Air Power Demo, Fleet Takeoff, 2 Different F-104 Performances, F-15 Demo, F-18 Hornet Demo, F-18 SuperHornet Demo, a Few others, and The Tomcats Farewell .. and Of Course The Blue Angels...
Posted by SkateZilla on Sunday, September 10 @ 23:37:37 UTC (2659 reads)
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 Site News: Site Status
UpdateThe Site Is Almost Done, Just a few Coding things to Adjust, nothing you wont see,

The Image Gallery Is Running, however, teh images are not sorted Correctly due to file names (I will delete the images and RE-ADD them in the Correct Order)

As You know this is an Updated version of PHPNuke, Complete with Secuirity Program (Sentinel)

Members List is Wiped, SO People would have to Re-Register if they Want to, its not Required
Posted by SkateZilla on Sunday, March 26 @ 17:55:10 UTC (649 reads)
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 Site News: Site Progress
UpdateAfter Re-Building From a Backup of another Page I Run, I have yet to Install and IMport the Inage Gallery, and a few other Modules....
Posted by SkateZilla on Tuesday, March 21 @ 01:48:38 UTC (566 reads)
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